Wednesday 3 March 2010

J's Chimes: Bleach Leech

It's been said that a comic artist name Nick Simmons copied the actions and characters from the Japanese anime Bleach into his own comic known as Incarnate. Fans of Bleach were outrage over it and demanded explanation over such infringement. Seriously if you really do read the comic, it's so similar to Bleach in many ways... the part where Ichigo fights the arrancar in Hueco Mundo. A comparison can be seem as above... seriously same...

1 comment:

daniel said...

should it realy matter if you read the comic its pritty good. i noticed alot of anime character look alike i like to think of them as templates if the story was the same then thats rong. But they have way diffrent storys its like if a rapper copywriteing having grills it would redundent. All this shows is there wer iconic elements in diffrent anime shows over the years. Would it be so crazy to see the same sunglasses or a similar person if it was awsome the first time whos to say it wouldent be better or still boss to see again. Well never see the word banki in incarnate so case closed if u dont like it dont read it but its hard not to like it if u read it and im a big fan of bleach been watching for years but diversity makes the world go round the story is what matters not what colour it is.